Seals host Summer Skills Camp August 8-9

July 20, 2023


The San Diego Seals are excited to host their third annual Summer Lacrosse Skills Camp in San Diego August 8-9. This summer, players will receive two full days of instruction on both the indoor and outdoor game from San Diego Seals professional lacrosse players and the best women’s lacrosse players in the world!

Players who participate in the camp will receive 4 complimentary tickets to the Seals 2023-24 Season Opener.


Registration to the Seals Summer Skills Camp includes:

An opportunity to train with some of the best players in the world
Fundamental skills instruction for new lacrosse players and those experienced in competitive lacrosse that is engaging and fun for all ages
Skill development training, for both the boys’ and girls’ game
Focus on the growth of all levels of players in the Outdoor & Box game
An introduction to contact in our full day boys camp
Each and every camper will learn essentials in how to win and lose, how to respect teammates and coaches, and the importance of having fun
4 complimentary tickets to the 2023-23 Seals’ Season Opener
Daily camp prizes
Seals reversible pinnie
Lunch included on both days
Dates: August 8-9, 2023

Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm

Location: 4S Ranch Sports Park. 16118 4S Ranch Pkwy, San Diego, CA 92127

Cost: $250 (Payment plans available)

Ages: 5-15

Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced


Lacrosse stick
lacrosse gloves (boys camp only)
Certified Lacrosse or Hockey helmet with a full mask (boys camp only)
Goggles (girls camp only)
Shoulder pads, elbow pads (boys camp only)
Cleats AND running shoes
Shorts, t-shirt, joggers, hoodies
Water bottle
Sunscreen & hat